What People Say About Scott
“Scott is a brilliant, committed, meticulous, profound editor (and I say this as a writer who is not fond of adjectives). When I needed to be pushed, he pushed me. When I needed reassurance, he provided a full dose of it.”
“I am amazed that Scott can harness the writer’s process so simply and elegantly. He gives realistic, sound advice. Pay attention.”
Let the Whole Thundering World Come Home (Bantam), and many other books
“As a writing and publishing consultant, editor, and coach, Scott Edelstein is very good. He is fast, honest, thorough, diligent, and utterly scrupulous.”
“Scott has been my lifeline for each of my three books, including Stop Walking on Eggshells, New Harbinger’s number one seller. Over the past 12 years, he has guided me through the writing process and kept me focused on what I need to do when I’ve been overwhelmed. He’s savvy, the epitome of professionalism, honest, and forthright. Best of all, he has a way of making me feel great about myself and my abilities.”
(New Harbinger), and author of The Essential Family Guide to Borderline Personality Disorder (Hazelden)
“Scott Edelstein—consistent, talented, reliable, inspiring. And he always, I mean always, has my back. If we still had knights on white chargers on unknown paths, Scott is that guy in the literary world. Scott makes sure I’m treated fairly. He’s helped me with multiple books that are now in print, digital, and/or audio. He has served as my editor, coach, consultant, advocate, and enforcer, and amazingly, is accomplished at all these roles. Over time, as I edited or rewrote a manuscript, I could hear his voice in my head. I am a better and more successful writer because of Scott. And every dollar due me, he makes sure I get. I trust Scott. The man is rock bottom trustworthy.”
“I’ve worked with closely with Scott on two books and many short pieces. Because of his efforts, both books were published by good presses, and they were extremely well received by readers around the world. Every step of the way—from the initial idea through publication, promotion, and publicity—Scott provided me with great guidance, information, and advice. He also had my back whenever there was a potential problem. If you need help with a book, a book idea, a publication contract, or anything else related to writing or publishing, contact Scott. I give him five stars out of five—and my strongest recommendation.”
“Scott Edelstein and I have worked together on several book projects over the past 20 years. I find Scott to be a very fast study; bold and insightful in terms of his depth and thought; and honest and full of integrity. He challenges his clients’ thinking in order to get the best work out of them (as he has done in my case). He also possesses an old-fashioned work ethic, working hard on behalf of his authors and helping them have the best chances of succeeding in the marketplace. He is really a pleasure to work with, for these reasons and many more.”
“Scott is insightful, creative, dogged, and professional. He opened doors for me that were altogether unseen.”
The World Wisdom Bible (SkyLight Paths), and many other books
“Scott Edelstein is an extremely talented and highly skilled editorial consultant. I used him to help me in book development and writing. He works diligently to understand the author’s intent, purpose, style, and knowledge base. He is thorough and careful, and he communicates clearly and well. He has been an ideal collaborator.”
Unspoken Legacy (Central Recovery Press), and many other books
“Scott is an outstanding writing consultant. He quickly ‘got’ me and my work—so thoroughly that I was blown away. He really cares about his clients, and isn’t afraid to take on any publisher. He works hard on each client’s behalf, both to create the best work and to get the best possible publishing deal for them.”
“For over ten years, Scott Edelstein has been a terrific writing adviser and strategic planner for my writing career. He always anticipates accurately how the publishing business really works, including its ups and downs, and how to communicate with all the players. He really believes in me and my writing, which gives me an extra boost!”
“Once I decided to write a book, Scott Edelstein turned out to be exactly what I needed. He provided expert assistance every step of the way: creating a central concept; helping me to write, edit, and polish the manuscript; finding a publisher; promoting the book; and creating a website to support it. Today, Scott continues to be my go-to person for anything related to writing or publishing.”
“Here’s how I would describe Scott:
• Is caring and trustworthy in all matters.
• Is great at contract negotiating.
• Communicates promptly and comprehensively.
• Patiently explains multiple, complex options.
• Knows when to email or call.
• Handles financial matters promptly and thoroughly.”
“Scott worked with me on The Transformative Negotiator. He was enormously helpful every step of the way, from editing my first disjointed draft, gently prodding and encouraging me though many revision cycles, identifying the best publisher for my work, and reviewing a final publication contract. If you need help—whether it’s editing, coaching, strategizing, or just being present during the tremendously challenging process of writing and successfully publishing a non-fiction book—I strongly encourage you to contact Scott.”
“Scott is a writer’s writer. He knows the process and business of writing and publishing from every imaginable angle. I have worked with Scott for over 30 years and he has been honest, helpful, encouraging, and (when necessary) painfully blunt. I am fortunate to have had a few publishing hits; none would have been possible without my relationship with Scott.”
“After almost four decades of writing scientific or academic articles, I wanted to write a book for a non-scientific audience. I soon realized that I needed help with this genre, called creative nonfiction. Luckily, I was led to Scott Edelstein—a seasoned writing coach and editor. His honest (but never brutal) appraisals of my writing style, suggestions about how to tell an interesting story, and how to get my work published (which I learned can be a brutal business) were transformative.”
and Intimate Friends, Mortal Enemies (University of Chicago Press)
“Without Scott’s guidance, knowledge, and incredible skill, my book would never have been published. His style is patient, encouraging, caring, and at times humorous. He was always kind and respectful, yet he always challenged me to push further, think more deeply, and better understand what I wanted the reader to know. He consistently believed in me, and felt that what I was doing was important. I appreciate his honesty, his graciousness, and his integrity.”
“I’ve had consistently stimulating, informative feedback from Scott Edelstein. Once he emailed me several days after our consultation with a new thought that had just occurred to him. He’d gone on thinking about my project! Plus, he backs up our sessions with hard copy and a recording. He gives thoughtful, thorough help.”
“I have worked with Scott on a book from beginning to end. He has helped tremendously at each and every stage of the process—from conceptualizing the book, determining its market, editing and shaping the content, coming up with a title to fit the market, helping contact publishers, negotiating with a publisher, assisting with dealing with the publisher, and then advising on all the other aspects of post-publishing activity, like publicity and marketing. He is extremely skilled at the writing tasks, and very experienced in the other aspects (particularly what is customary in the industry, and what options an author has at each stage). He is very cost effective, very responsive, and really fun to work with. I could not recommend anyone more highly for assistance with any aspect of writing and publishing a book.”
“Scott not only has a superb grasp of the writing process, but his wit, warmth and intelligence make him a pleasure to work with. I highly recommend him.”
“Scott’s insightful advice, candor and wise counsel as I submitted my book for publication were invaluable. I totally trusted Scott to guide me, a first-time author with no experience in the publishing world, through the intimidating jungle of my publisher’s arcane contracts, photo rights issues, royalties, and much, much more. Thank heavens for Edelstein!”
(Minnesota Historical Society Press)
“An unknown author can still be published by a major house. I’m proof of that, thanks to Scott.”
“Scott has been an amazing inspiration to me. He has taught me so much about being a writer and about the business itself. Scott has many connections within the business and is well respected. Through his hard work and devotion, my new book was published by Hazelden.”
“Scott Edelstein has been a tremendous help in launching my book. He is masterful at all aspects of getting a book published, be it visioning, planning, writing, editing, finding a niche for a book, or marketing it. He is a gold mine.”
“Scott’s patience was extraordinary and his input invaluable to me in writing my book. Scott has a great command of the English language, and he is a visionary and very intelligent man.”
“Scott Edelstein is phenomenal. I have been writing books for over 15 years, both fiction and nonfiction, and I’ve managed to get published in both areas without agents. But it’s been difficult, and the contracts aren’t anything to sing about. I thought I knew everything there was to know about how to write query letters, but Scott taught me more in a single phone call than I’d been able to put together in a decade of writers’ conferences and conversations with other authors. My latest book is a young adult novel. Before Scott, I had no agent; after Scott, I do. I can’t recommend him highly enough.”