Scott Edelstein Literary Agency: Book Deals


Current clients include:

Steve Hagen, author of Buddhism Plain and Simple and Meditation Now or Never
Resmaa Menakem, author of My Grandmother's Hands
Jean Illsley Clarke,
 author of Self-Esteem: A Family Affair, Growing Up Again, and How Much Is Too Much?
Anne Katherine, author of Boundaries in an Overconnected World and Where to Draw the Line
Rami Shapiro, author of Recovery: The Sacred Art, Minyan,and The Sacred Art of Lovingkindness

Deals Include:


Mega-Creativity by Andrei Aleinikov (Writer’s Digest Books)
How Anyone Can Learn to Create Like a Genius

Peace in Everyday Relationships by Sheila Alson and Gayle Burnett (Hunter House)
Resolving Conflicts in Your Personal and Work Life

Resolving Conflict Creatively by Sheila Alson (Educators for Social Responsibility)
A Five-Book Series of Hands-On Guides

If You Leave Me, Can I Come With You? by Misti B. (Hazelden)
Meditations for Codependents and Al-Anons with a Sense of Humor

ShapeWalking by Marilyn Bach (Hunter House)
Six Easy Steps to a Better Shape

Reach for Me by Michael A. Boylan (Morgan James)
Life Lessons Learned from My Special-Needs Son

How Much Is Enough? (first edition) and How Much Is Too Much? (second edition) by Jean Illsley Clarke, Connie Dawson, & David Bredehoft (Marlowe & Co.)
Everything You Need to Know to Steer Clear of Overindulgence and Raise Likeable, Responsible and Respectful Children

Natural Childbirth After Cesarean by Karis Crawford and Johanne C. Walters (Blackwell)
A Practical Guide

Splitting by Bill Eddy and Randi Kreger (New Harbinger)
Protecting Yourself While Divorcing Someone With Borderline or Narcissistic Personality Disorder

5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life by Bill Eddy (Tarcher Perigee)
Identifying and Dealing With Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Other High-Conflict Personalities

Why We Elect Sociopaths and Narcissists--and How We Can Stop by Bill Eddy (Berrett-Koehler)
Understanding High-Conflict Politicians and Preventing Their Rise to Power

Suicide Prevention Contracting by Stephen Edwards and Chris Goj (Jason Aronson)
Paradoxes, Problems, and Alternate Procedures

Inner Life in Daily Life edited by Charles Eigen (Jessica Kingsley Publishers)
Contemporary Approaches to Inner Dialogue in Psychotherapy and Personal Development

Hospice Care Plans by Cindy Frozena and Maryann Hurtt (Aspen)
A Guide for Professionals

The Healthy Deviant by Pilar Gerasimo (North Atlantic Books)
A Rule-Breaker’s Guide to Being Healthy in an Unhealthy World

Your Cleft-Affected Child by Carrie Gruman-Trinkner (Hunter House)
The Complete Book of Information, Resources, and Hope

Watershed by Ranae Lenor Hanson (University of Minnesota Press)
Attending to Body and Earth in Distress

A Week at the Beach by Joanne and Jim Hubal (Marlowe & Co.)
100 Life-Changing Things You Can Do in 7 Days at the Seashore

Honor Betrayed by Mic Hunter (Barricade Books)
Sexual Abuse in the U.S. Military

Mindfulness and the Twelve Steps by Therese Jacobs-Stewart (Hazelden)
Living Recovery in the Present Moment

A Kinder Voice by Therese Jacobs-Stewart (Hazelden)
Releasing Your Inner Critics with Mindfulness Slogans

A User’s Guide to Therapy by Tamara Kaiser (Norton)
What to Expect and How You Can Benefit

Anatomy of a Food Addiction by Anne Katherine (Gurze Books)
A Practical Guide for Anyone with Food Issues

Boundaries in an Overconnected World by Anne Katherine (New World Library)
Setting Online Limits to Preserve Your Focus, Privacy, Relationships, and Sanity

How to Make Almost Any Diet Work by Anne Katherine (Hazelden)
Repair Your Disordered Appetite and Lose Weight

When Misery Is Company by Anne Katherine (Hazelden)
End Self-Sabotage and Become Content

Where to Draw the Line by Anne Katherine (Fireside/Simon & Schuster)
The Sequel to Boundaries: Where You End and I Begin

The Wisdom of the Healing Wound by David Knighton, M.D. (Health Communications)
A New View on Why We Hurt and How We Can Heal Even the Deepest Physical and Emotional Wounds

The Essential Family Guide to Borderline Personality Disorder by Randi Kreger (Hazelden)
Caring for a Borderline Loved One Without Sacrificing Your Family or Yourself

Stop Walking on Eggshells by Paul Mason and Randi Kreger (New Harbinger)
Taking Your Life Back When Someone You Care About Has Borderline Personality Disorder

Stop Walking on Eggshells for Partners by Randi Kreger and Bill Eddy (New Harbinger)
How to Reclaim Yourself, Stop Arguing, and Get Unstuck

Your Down’s Syndrome Child by Eunice McClurg (Doubleday)
Everything Today’s Parents Need to Know About Raising Their Special Child

The Health Insurance Alternative by Thomas and Gloria Mayer (Perigee)
A Consumer’s Guide to HMOs

Monsters in Love by Resmaa Menakem (Central Recovery Press)
Why Your Partner Sometimes Drives You Crazy—and What You Can Do About It

My Grandmother’s Hands by Resmaa Menaken (Central Recovery Press)
Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Healing Our Hearts and Bodies

Our Grandchildren’s Souls by Resmaa Menakem (Central Recovery Press)
Protecting Ourselves, Our Communities, and Our Descendants from the Racialized Trauma Virus

The Quaking of America by Resmaa Menakem (Central Recovery Press)
A Body-Centered Guide to Staying Safe and Sane in the Coming Civil War—and Perhaps Preventing It

Rock the Boat by Resmaa Menakem (Hazelden)
How to Use Conflict to Heal and Deepen Your Relationship

Get Inside Your Doctor’s Head by Phillip K. Peterson, MD (Johns Hopkins University Press)
10 Common-Sense Rules to Simplify Your Medical Decisions

Microbes by Phillip K. Peterson, MD (Prometheus Books)
The Life-Changing Story of Germs

I’m Not Supposed to Be Here by Rachel Reiland (Hazelden)
A Memoir of Recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder

Surviving a Borderline Parent by Kimberlee Roth (New Harbinger)
How to Heal Childhood Wounds and Build Trust, Boundaries, and Self-Esteem

Paths to Recovery for Gay and Bisexual Drug Addicts by Paul Schulte (Rowman & Littlefield)
Healing Weary Hearts

Midlife Women’s Health and Well-Being by Sharon Slettehaugh and Sharon Roe (Jossey-Bass)
A Practical Guide

Come On In by John Sorrell (Alliance Publishing)
The Book of Openings

Depression Hates a Moving Target by Nita Sweeney (Mango Media)
How Running With My Dog Brought Me Back from the Brink

Narrative Approaches to Youth Work by Julie Tilsen (Routledge)
Macro Skills for a Micro Context

Queering Your Therapy Practice by Julie Tilsen (Routledge)
Narrative Therapy, Queer Theory, and Imagining Identities

Therapeutic Conversations with Queer Youth by Julie Tilsen (Jason Aronson/Rowman & Littlefield)
Transcending Homonormativity and Constructing Preferred Identities

The Buddha and the Borderline by Kiera Van Gelder (New Harbinger)
A Memoir of Spirituality and Recovery

It’s Not Okay to Be a Cannibal by Andrew Wainwright & Bob Poznanovich (Hazelden)
How to Keep the Addict in Your Life from Eating Your Family Alive

Everyday Narcissism by Nancy Van Dyken (Central Recovery Press)
Yours, Mine, and Ours

A Restful Mind by Mark Allen Zabawa (Hazelden)
Daily Meditations for Enhancing Mental Health



Taking Your Place at the Table by Joseph JB Bensmihen (Morgan James)
The Art of Refusing to Be an Outsider

Information Breakthrough by Charles J. Bodenstab (Oasis Press)
How to Turn Mountains of Confusing Data Into Gems of Useful Information

Get Everyone In Your Boat Rowing in the Same Direction by Bob Boylan (Adams Media)
5 Leadership Principles to Follow So Others Will Follow You

What’s Your Point? by Bob Boylan (Adams Media)
The Proven Method for Making Powerful, Winning Presentations

The Power to Get In by Michael A. Boylan (St. Martin’s Press)
A Step-by-Step System to Get In Anyone’s Door

Say the Magic Words by Richard E. Byrd (Berkley)
All the People Skills You Need at Work

Hiring Secrets of the NFL Draft by Isaac Cheifetz (Davies-Black)
How Your Company Can Select Talent Like a Champion

The Exchange by Steven Dinkin, Barbara Filner, and Lisa Maxwell (Productivity Press)
A Bold and Proven Approach to Resolving Workplace Conflict

The Exchange for Healthcare by Steven Dinkin, Barbara Filner, and Lisa Maxwell (McGraw-Hill)
A Bold and Proven Approach to Resolving Workplace Conflict in Healthcare Organizations

The Whole Brain Business Book by Ann Hermann-Nehdi and Ned Herrmann (McGraw-Hill)
Second Edition, Updated and Revised

The Transformative Negotiator by Michele Huff (Unhooked Books)
Changing the Way We Come to Agreement from the Inside Out

Owning Our Future by Marjorie Kelly (Berrett-Koehler)
The Emerging Ownership Revolution

The Making of a Democratic Economy by Marjorie Kelly and Ted Howard (Berrett-Koehler)
How to Build Prosperity for the Many, Not the Few

Industrial Therapy by Glenda L. Key (Mosby)
The Definitive Guide

Goldilocks on Management by Gloria Gilbert Mayer and Thomas Mayer (AMACOM)
28 Revisionist Fairy Tales for Serious Managers

The Life Insurance Kit by Terry R. O’Neill (Dearborn)
The Truth About Life Insurance

An Insider’s Look at Global Banking by Paul Schulte (Wiley)
Creating a Sound Basis for Economic Growth

Your Perfect Business Match by Jack Tesmer (Career Press)
A Groundbreaking Approach to Surviving and Thriving in Business



Wise Mind, Open Mind by Ronald A. Alexander (New Harbinger)
Finding Purpose and Meaning in Times of Crisis, Loss and Change

40 Things I Wish I’d Told My Kids by John Allcock (Morgan James)
Mindful Messages About Success, Happiness, Leather, Pickles, and the Use and Misuse of Imagination

On the Threshold by Elizabeth Andrew (Basic Books)
Home, Hardwood, and Holiness

Dancing in the Dragon’s Den by Rosanne Bane (Nicolas-Hays)
Rekindling the Creative Fire in Your Shadow

May All People and Pigs Be Happy by Micki Fine and John Pavlicek (North Atlantic Books)
A Children's Picture Book of Lovingkindness Meditations

Probing the Sutras by Guy Gibbon (Wipf & Stock)
A Guide to Studying and Understanding Buddhism’s Most Essential Texts

The Great Spring by Natalie Goldberg (Shambhala)
Writing, Zen, and This Zigzag Life

Let the Whole Thundering World Come Home by Natalie Goldberg (Shambhala)
A Memoir of Facing Cancer in America

Three Simple Lines by Natalie Goldberg (New World Library)
A Writer’s Pilgrimage Into the Heart and Homeland of Haiku

Buddhism Is Not What You Think by Steve Hagen (HarperOne)
Finding Freedom Beyond Beliefs

Buddhism Plain and Simple by Steve Hagen (Tuttle, hardcover; Broadway, paperback)
The Practice of Being Aware, Right Now, Every Day

Meditation Now or Never by Steve Hagen (HarperOne)
The Long-Awaited Sequel to Buddhism Plain and Simple

The Grand Delusion by Steve Hagen (Wisdom Publications)
What We Know But Can’t Believe About Religion, Philosophy, and Science

How the World Can Be the Way it Is by Steve Hagen (Quest Books)
An Inquiry for the New Millennium Into Science, Philosophy, and Perception

Why the World Doesn’t Seem to Make Sense by Steve Hagen (Sentient Publications)
An Inquiry Into Science, Philosophy, and Perception
(newly revised and upated edition of How the World Can Be the Way It Is)

Writing to Wake the Soul by Karen Hering (Beyond Words)
Rediscovering Hope, Faith, Grace, Reverence, and Redemption Through the Practice of Writing

Each Moment Is the Universe by Dainin Katagiri (Shambhala)
Zen and the Way of Being Time

You Have to Say Something by Dainin Katagiri (Shambhala)
Manifesting Zen Insight

The Zen Path Through Depression by Philip Martin (HarperOne)
Dharma as a Way Out of Darkness

Finding the Way by Susan Montag (Nicolas-Hays)
A Tao for Down-to-Earth People

The Ultimate Distinction by Matt Mullen (Sentient Publications)
Resolving Our Biggest Philosophical, Spiritual, and Practical Problem

Meditation as a Way of Life by Alan L. Pritz (Quest Books)
Crafting a Spiritual Practice

Pocket Guide to Meditation by Alan L. Pritz (The Crossing Press)
#17 in Crossing Press’s Pocket Guide Series

Untangling Karma by Judith Ragir (Monkfish)
Healing Personal and Intergenerational Trauma

Holy Rascals by Rami Shapiro (Sounds True)
Advice for Spiritual Revolutionaries

Judaism Without Tribalism by Rami Shapiro (Monkfish)
Beyond Blood & Belief to Being a Blessing

The Tao of Solomon by Rami Shapiro (Ben Yehuda Press)
Unlocking the Perennial Wisdom of Ecclesiastes

How We Believe by Jon Spayde (Random House)
Forty Teachers and Seekers Show the Way to a Modern, Living Faith

Take Up Your Life by Janet Cedar Spring (Tuttle)
Making Spirituality Work in the Real World

Nothing on My Mind by Erik Fraser Storlie (Shambhala)
Berkeley, LSD, Two Zen Masters, and a Life on the Dharma Trail



Living Revision by Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew (Skinner House)
The Spirited Work of Transforming Stories

Major in Success by Patrick Combs (Ten Speed Press)
Make College Easier, Fire Up Your Dreams, and Get a Very Cool Job

100 Things Every Writer Needs to Know by Scott Edelstein (Penguin/Perigee)
A Complete Guide to Building a Writing Career

The Complete Writer’s Kit by Scott Edelstein (Running Press)
Everything the Aspiring Writer Needs—All In One Box

Step-By-Step to Standup Comedy by Greg Dean (Heinemann)
The Complete Practical Guide

Living Color by Natalie Goldberg (Stewart, Tabori & Chang)
Painting, Writing, and the Bones of Seeing



David Park, Painter by Helen Park Bigelow (Counterpoint Press)
Nothing Held Back

Tree of Red Stars by Tessa Bridal (Milkweed Editions)
A Novel

Don’t Think It Hasn’t Been Fun by Sarah Jo Burke (Limelight Editions)
The Story of the Burke Family Singers

The Busy Family’s Guide to Volunteering by Jenny Friedman (Robins Lane Press)
Do Good, Have Fun, Make a Difference as a Family

Soft by Sherrie Fernandez-Williams (North Star Press)
A Memoir

Top of My Lungs by Natalie Goldberg (The Overlook Press)
Poems and Paintings

Duncan Hines by Louis Hatchett (Mercer University Press)
The Man Behind the Cake Mix

Mencken’s Americana edited and with an introduction by Louis Hatchett (Mercer University Press)
Highlights from The American Mercury’s Heydey

Kitchen Science Lab for Kids by Liz Lee Heinecke (Quarry Press)
52 Family-Friendly Experiments from Around the House

Outdoor Science Lab for Kids by Liz Lee Heinecke (Quarry Press)
52 Family-Friendly Experiments for the Yard, Garden, Playground, and Park

Steam Lab for Kids by Liz Lee Heinecke (Quarry Press)
52 Creative Hands-On Projects for Exploring Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math

We Are Meant to Rise edited by Carolyn Holbrook and David Mura (University of Minnesota Press)
Voices of More Than a Single Story

Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives by Carolyn Holbrook (North Star Press)
The Legacy of the St. Paul Companies Leadership Initiatives

Tell Me Your Names and I Will Testify by Carolyn Holbrook (University of Minnesota Press)
Essays from an Elder Sister

Courting Equality by Marilyn Humphries, Karen Kahn and Patricia Gozemba (Beacon Press)
Photographs From the Same-Sex Marriage Frontline’s

Swedish Jul by Patrice Johnson (Minnesota Historical Society Press)
A Midwestern Story

Meat Raffles and Butterheads by Patrice Johnson (Minnesota Historical Society Press)
Minnesota’s Food Ways and Food Rituals

Hijinx and Hearsay by Martin Keller and Greg Helgeson (Minnesota Historical Society Press)
Scenester Stories from Minnesota’s Pop Life

John Dillinger Slept Here by Paul Maccabee (Minnesota Historical Society Press)
A Crook’s Tour of Minneapolis/St. Paul

The Taxi Navigator by Richard Mosher (Putnam/Philomel)
A Novel

The Stories Whiteness Tells Itself by David Mura (University of Minnesota Press)
Racial Myths and Our American Narratives

Cute Eats Cute by C.B. Murphy (North Star Press)
A Novel

The View From Delphi by John Odell (MacAdam Cage)
A Novel

Pick a Party by Patty Sachs (Meadowbrook Press)
The Big Book of Party Themes and Occasions

And Prairie Dogs Weren’t Kosher by Linda Mack Schloff (Minnesota Historical Society Press)
A History of Jewish Immigration to the Midwest

Keys to Great Writing by Stephen Wilbers (Writer’s Digest Books)
A Complete Writing Course in One Volume

The Seed Keeper by Diane Wilson (Milkweed Editions)
A Novel